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Information about new features and the latest releases to the MiClub System
MiClub Golf - Competitions
Help articles that cover all aspects of competition management including competition types, prize allocations and handicapping
MiClub Golf - Directory inc Golflink Management
Help articles for the management of your members and Golflink numbers
MiClub Golf - Timesheets (Members)
Help articles for members of your club to make and manage their bookings
MiScore Score History Update
Modified on 06 February by Mackenzie Buck
MiScore Mobile App
Modified on 12 July by Steven Mancini
Golflink - Create Golflink Number for a Brand New Player
Modified on 16 January by Andrew Naylor
Score a Social Round
Modified on 27 November by Andrew Naylor
Competitions - Four Ball Handicapping
Modified on 12 July by Andrew Naylor
MiClub Member Guide - Make a Booking
Modified on 06 September by Sean Henderson
MiScore App - How to Score Competitions
Modified on 24 October by Andrew Naylor
Golflink - Re-Activate Golflink Number